What does a Bethel Sozo look like?
A Sozo session for an adult will last 1.5 to 3 hours and is conducted in a friendly, relaxed and confidential atmosphere. The focus is on interactions with Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit that bring restoration to our souls (and often bodies as well). Sessions usually includes these elements:
• A brief interview process
• A prayerful use of Sozo tools as well as confession, repentance and forgiveness
• Prayers to receive God’s truth and blessing.
Sozo sessions for children will vary in length depending on the age of the child (anywhere from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours). The same tools are used in a slightly different manner and with much simpler language (as needed).
Why a suggested donation?
Donations pay for ministry expenses (rent, utilities, supplies, etc) and also are seeded into the Sozo ministry for team building, training, travel, etc. Also, we find that people tend to value it more if they have to sow into their own healings.
What about donations for church members?
Some Sozo ministries prefer to ask for the same donation for everyone, while others like to have a smaller suggested donation for church members. Each ministry and their church leadership determine what they want to do about donations.
Can one Sozo session actually heal a lie that has been believed for many years?
Yes. Once the Lord heals the first time the lie was settled into your spirit, the rest of your life experiences based on this lie will realign to His truth.
If addictions are symptoms, then should deliverance be done without doing a Sozo first?
It depends. God can always bring instant deliverance. We would usually like to follow up such deliverance with the ability to find out why the addictions were there so that they can walk in complete freedom.
Does the training seminar give you enough in-depth information for you to be qualified to minister with Sozo?
Yes/No. You have been given all the information for the Basic Sozo but you can never underestimate experience. If you have the approval of your church leadership, jump in and give it a try. The CDs/DVDs are helpful to re-listen to and to watch for any clarification.
Should you go through the Advanced Seminar, as well?
Yes, if you are going to be ministering to people. But you should wait until you have been involved in Sozo ministry for about six months to fully benefit from the teachings.
Are we released to train others in the Sozo ministry?
You are free to train your own team using Bethel’s Sozo DVDs, but only Regional Facilitators appointed by Bethel Sozo are released to conduct full training seminars with people from multiple churches. If you would like to have a Regional Facilitator or other Bethel-certified Sozo trainer conduct a training at your location, contact the Regional Facilitator for your area (see the Contact page).
What does a Bethel Sozo look like?
A Sozo session is framed with the Father Ladder or the Four Doors. Sozo sessions will contain elements of the Bethel Sozo tools: Father Ladder, Four Doors, the Wall, and Presenting Jesus. Other tools may be used but should not dominate the sozo ministry time.
What if it is a 1st that gets in over their head, can the 2nd shut it down?
Yes, but it is important to stay under authority. The second can gently ask the first (or write it down) if they would like them to “try out” something.
What if the 1st doesn’t recognize that they are over their head?
The second should pray for God to bring breakthrough! Many times we are just one step away from an amazing revelation when we are feeling stumped.
Can I lead someone to receive freedom if I don’t have any myself?
Yes/No. God can bring freedom to people even through unhealthy people. But, my concern would be on the effect the ministry would have on you if you are not healthy. It would most likely add a lot of stress to you. We see it often that team members who are not fully healed actually “trigger” in a Sozo session and come away having to have the first pray also for them.
When is a sozo/deliverance finished?
When you discern that the “strong man” has been defeated, or when you or the sozoee feel that you are finished.
How to handle a religious spirit?
Grace is the “offense” card that the religious spirit rallies against. Release an atmosphere of grace so that you do not come under the religious spirit in the room.
In a Shabar session, when do you know when to quit if complete integration is not accomplished?
When complete integration is not accomplished, focus on providing information, hope, and some integration. Don’t force the person or parts to accomplish something you want done. When the parts are no longer wishing/wanting to talk to Father God or Jesus, then the session itself is finished.
When you get to a point when there is no progress toward Father God or Jesus, this could be a place to add more time between the sessions. This extra time will allow the client to process what has occurred up to this point. The client will have the time to see if they like the parts being gone and would wish for more ministry sessions.
Ask the client at this point, if he/she wishes to make another appointment, or live with this point of healing and call at a later date to make an appointment.
How do you minister to someone who received wounds while in the womb?
I ask the Holy Spirit to come and show the individual where He was while the baby was in the womb. Then I ask Him to remove the poisons that the child fed upon during the pregnancy and to realign their body, soul, and spirit to only receive the proper nutrients and to no longer be able to “feed upon” the lies and damages that occurred in the womb.
In a ministry time how should deliverance be handled/done?
Very gently. Deliverance is a by-product of healing the wounds and lies.